Friday, July 12, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

No Smoking

"What's your problem?"...A question I've been asked a couple times this week from people who are actually allowed to ask me that.  Apparently I've been on the moody side for a few days.  Humm..I too am wondering what my 'problem' is.  Heat?..Charter Communications?.. Grinding my teeth because of the mass dying of honey bee's?  Lack of tobacco?  Wait!..that's it!  No smoking.

On Feb. 14, 2013 I smoked my last cigarette.  I cherished each and every lovely puff.  I inhaled it right down to the filter. For a few seconds after I flushed the little stub..I panicked.  I miss it. Smoking has been a part of my life for most of my life..but quitting was the right thing to do.  It has been 144 days from Valentines day to today.  At one pack a day, which was my norm..that's 144 packs.  20 cigarettes per pack equals 2,880 cigarettes..that I did NOT smoke!  Now the $864.00 I saved ($6 per pack..approx) is nowhere to be found!  I don't know what I spent it on and I'm wondering why I don't notice the extra money I have.  I'm not even sure I feel a whole lot better..Although I know I do and I'm positive if I were to smoke just one right now, I would notice a huge difference.  I still have cravings and probably always will.  I'm not giving in..144 days is a long time and right now I'm shooting for 145..One day at a time...No problem!!!