Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Banana Bites!

I had been searching for something to satisfy my chocolate cravings without expanding my waistline.  These banana bites, at least for now, are just perfect!  They are cold, sweet and salty all at the same time!  I keep them in the freezer and I swear the banana takes on an 'ice cream' kind of personality.  I am lovin' these!

I have no exact recipe.  I sliced a newer, firm banana into thicker discs.  I melted about 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips.  Added around a tablespoon of peanut butter and melted it all in the microwave.  I then dipped one side of each banana slice into the chocolate.  Next a press into a bowl of finely chopped mixed nuts.  I lined them all up on a cookie sheet, licked my fingers, and put them in the freezer for about an hour.  After everything was solid and in tact..they went into a freezer bag for storage...But not for long!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Tuesday Night

This is the way I'm feeling tonight.  I'm sure tomorrow will be better.  But for now....