Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Me

I'm not really one for manicured lawns or orderly thought out landscape balance.  I like to let things fall into place and just be what they are.
This old chair pictured above, I think used to be rocker..The rungs are missing..And I bought it at a garage sale for $5.  The paint is to say the least 'chippy' but so chic and perfect. It hugs my self planted flowers, beautifully!

The rusty plant stand was a $3.00  garage sale find and my sister gave me the long pots..dirt is free!!

The rusty chairs and plant stand to the left (actually 2 chairs) I picked up for $9 at various sales.  I had someone cut circular plywood basis for the chairs.  I bought cheap foam, cut and glued it to the plywood, then used a vinyl table upolstery them.

The weeds growing through the cement are an added perk..I think I'll let them live as they are trying so hard to push up through the concrete..Anything with that much determination for life deserves to flourish!

I have spinach, cherry tomatoes, basil, and onions growing in pots on the back deck..I'm growing salad!  Can't wait for it all to be ready!  I've found a wonderful vinaigrette recipe I'm looking forward to pouring all over the finished product!!  Gosh I love summer!!

1 comment:

  1. My idea of a manicured lawn is trying to make sure I can get it mowed before it gets a foot high!

    I love all your garage sale finds but I think this "chair planter" has to be my favorite so far.

    If I ever get BabyBrother and BoyChild to fix my front door where I can use it again (actually, I'm probably gonna have to call a "real" carpenter) I will 'borrow' some of your ideas for my front porch!!
