Tuesday, December 7, 2010

  • Can you guess which items in this pic came from a yard sale?  If you guessed ‘all', you would be correct! 
     In an effort to fund my bank account and pay my bills, I am a garage/yard/thrift store/freebie scrounger!  I look for unique vintage items I can refurbish..or not..and offer on Ebay, Etsy and Bonanzle.  Along the way, occasionally I find something I just cannot give up.  This mirror was one of those.
      It didn’t start out as a mirror, but a dreary grey and white, framed print of a colonial street.  I fell in love with the frame.  It is made of a lighter weight plastic or possibly Syroco material and is ornate and chic!  I removed the print, shined up the frame and took it to my local glass company.  They installed an 1/8 inch mirror  and it turned out absolutely beautiful!  At 5 feet by 3 feet it is exactly what my big ole’ wall needed.  I love it!  (the parrot you see on the front door belongs to baby diva, she is fascinated by color and the bird provides visual bliss!)
    Oh..Did I mention I only paid $5.00 for the frame?  Total cost after the mirror was installed..Including lunch for my handy and sweet  brother-in-law, who gave up a Saturday morning to hang it… $80.00.  I could never have purchased a mirror of this size and beauty for even close to that price.  My reflection is smiling!!
  • Although they don’t know it now…Someday they will be the best of friends!
  • In the back yard of my parents house (where I live now) is a very over grown rose bush.  Over grown due to my unintentional neglect.  I’ve been so busy renovating the inside of  this very old house, with a whole new mini living space upstairs, trying to figure out my fathers work shop…what are all these tools and boxes of receipts?  Plus generally getting used to and making these rooms my own, I’ve not had time to put any energy into the landscape.
    This rose bush as I remember, was a shoot from my maternal grandmoms  bush..Planted right after my parents moved in to their new house around 1960.  It sits against the back side of the garage and through all these years has survived and flourished.  It hasn’t had much attention over the years.  No one pruned it or fertilized it.  It was just given up to nature.  Still it remains strong and beautiful..And makes a loud statement to me..My grandmother whom I loved so much..and didn’t get to spend enough time with..is still here, at least in the roses.


    Today is Tuesday and it’s been a busy week already!  A very good friend and co-writer is driving all the way from Chicago tomorrow to spend a long weekend with me and my family.  I’ve been trying to ready this old house to accept company.  I’ve cleaned, put new sheets on the bed, washed windows so we can actually see the beauty just outside and grocery shopped with my friends tastes in  mind.
    The last final touch was to ‘borrow’ a clump of lilacs from my neighbors bush.   Not really a bush, but a well-groomed, almost topiary like dome he has mastered it into.  I absolutely love the fragrance of Lilacs, they are by far my favorite flower.  I’ve put the bouquet in a vintage crystal vase and centered it, so it is both a focal point and an aromatic splash when walking into the main of the house.
    It was in the 80′s today, and after doing some last-minute sweeping, and prettying up the deck, where my friend and I will play guitars and hopefully write a new song..I flipped on the air conditioner to be sure it works..and it does.  It’s going to be a wonderful weekend!
    I’m signing off at 12:03 am=guess it’s the 26th now…Sweet dreams

    Today is cold and grey.  It  feels more like an early fall than spring, with low temps in the 40′s,  lots of rain and high winds.  A wonderful day to just stay cozy and warm inside.  After running some errands, and doing a bit of  tedious painting, I decided to take advantage of a free day (not baby-sitting grand-diva) and do some baking.  The oven offered a welcome heat to kitchen also.
    My hungry little gumbas love banana bread.  This recipe  freezes well, and I almost always have a batch ready for snacking, breakfast or just grabbing!  I made muffins this time,(about 10, depending on how full you fill the cups)  this recipe will also make one huge loaf.  I have, on occasion, substituted spiced pumpkin for the bananas, with great success. It could be made a bit healthier by adding some ground flax, raisins, half applesauce/butter..and only egg whites..but my family does not share my enthusiasm for nutrition, and this is one of those ‘Nobody makes it like grandma” things and I’m not willing to disappoint them, or lose my status as ‘Best banana bread maker!’
    Here is my secret grandma recipe if you’d like to give it a try.
    Banana Nut Bread
    1/2 cup butter
    1 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    2 cups flour
    1 tsp. baking soda mixed with 3 tbls. water
    1 tsp. vanilla
    3-4  ripe mashed bananas
    1/2 cup walnuts
    Cream butter and sugar.  Add eggs, vanilla, soda/water. Mix well.  Add flour, one cup at a time, folding.  Add bananas and walnuts, mix well.  Badder will be thick.
    Bake in a well greased loaf pan, or 10 paper muffin cups.
    350 degrees 60-70 minutes for a loaf.  30-40 minutes for muffins, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
    Enjoy!  The bread/muffins are also amazing warmed with a light spreading of peanut butter!

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